Wow. What a change! I had 3 trees removed. The before and after from the front of the house is above. While it feels really shocking right now, I’m pretty sure that lovely Live Oak is going to fill in nicely, and I have so much new room for planting. 

That’s the last of the invasive trees. Now I need to get rid of the Nandina…

My sotol that I transplanted in my last update still appears to be alive! And I’ve had no complaints about getting poked attempting to enter the house. We’ll see how it does this summer.

Running in Spring

I went running today in Spring, TX. They have a few dozen feet of sidewalks, but mostly I was running in drainage ditches. Most of the ditches are full of irrigated St. Augustine grass, but a few had native plants.

Right next to a sewer grate I found a beautiful butter yellow sensitive briar. It doesn’t look like pictures of yellow puff, and I wish I’d had my camera.

There were complaints from people being attacked by our toothless sotol as they attempted to enter our house. Today, since the ground was super wet, I decided to attempt to move it.

I went to Body Pump at the Y last night, and then moved this plant, and can say that my upper body is now officially on fire.

But it’s moved. Top is After, Bottom is Before. I think you’ll see in the next wide-angle that it’s the right location.

And if it dies (which it probably will because I was none too nice with its roots), I know exactly where to plant the replacement.