Just a quick note on how I do irrigation. I’ve gotten really into the drip irrigation kit they sell at home depot for abou $18. The basic kit has everything you need to get started. And they have pretty fantastic spray sprinklers you can attach that are fantastic for things like grass without straightforward trunks to water. Those sprinklers cost like $1.80 a piece. Which is ridiculously affordable when compared to pretty much any other type of sprinkler.

The long stakes in the picture above are those spray sprinklers. I got 4 90 degree sprinklers and 2 180 degree sprinklers. They didn’t quite do the job, though, so I’m going to have to add one or two more. It’s a pretty huge area I’m trying to get there, though.

I ran the main hose under the edging and under the path, so both garden segments are watered at once. But now my fingers hurt like hell from squeezing on all those tiny hoses.
This is by far the most affordable kit I’ve found, and most people will be able to do all the flowerbeds in one yard with just one kit.
And apparently installing one guarantees rain. This is the second time I’ve installed one of these, and both times it has rained.