Trimming the boxwood hedges is on of my least favorite tasks. But these paths bordered by hedges was one of the things that drew me to this house. I can still remember how much I would have loved to have these hedges to hide behind (and in) as a kid, and am preserving them for my kiddos.
Two of these died last year and I’m having to bring the rest of them back. It’s always such a delicate dance. If you let them grow unfettered they’re nearly impossible to get back into shape, but if you trim too much they die. 

Our house came with two flower beds right up against the house. This one happens to be right by the dog door, and the dogs had torn it up. I finally got around to cleaning it up on Monday.

This bed is under our roof overhang so it gets next to no moisture. And I really can’t get excited about the amount I’d have to water it to keep flowers alive in it. 

So I put in a new cactus. There’s an existing flame acanthus that seems to enjoy the abuse. I pulled some rocks from other parts of the yard and put down some pavers to hopefully keep the dogs out of the bed proper.

I’m really happy with how it turned out without spending any money.

I replaced my attic stairs this weekend. Which was a completely un-fun non-gardening task. But while at the Home Depot I passed by these knee pads and had to pick them up.

The biggest problem with my old knee-pad was that I would reach rather than move.   Because it was a pain to move. Which leading to back pain.

Now I’ve got to retrain myself that moving is easy. And stop reaching.

The blue jays keep building nests in the tree right next to our patio. 

This is even after the year I heard horrible bird screams and rushed outside to find my little chihuahua-daschund Lucy tossing a baby blue jay in the air. The baby survived thanks to Austin Wildlife Rescue.

That said, we LOVE having blue jays building nests in the tree right next to our patio. Such fun to watch.

Just some pictures from around the garden. I love mist-flower. Those cone-flower’s are OUT OF CONTROLER. They’re not pink. They were yellow if I remember last year. And now they are taking over the world. Might have to pull them up.